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Plant Healing Woman

Linden Infused Raw Honey | 9 oz

Linden Infused Raw Honey | 9 oz

Regular price $23.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.00 USD
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Ingredients: hand-collected Linden flowers and bracts, raw Boulder honey.

Medicinal benefits of Linden:

  • Linden is a cooling and moistening flower- making it ideal for those who experience heat, excess stimulation, and dryness.

  • Linden calms us down and soothes us when we feel stressed and tense in our shoulders, womb, and stomach.

  • A red face, sweaty hands, reactive high blood pressure, and nervousness are the symptoms that indicate you need Linden in your life!

  • Linden has long been used to support us during periods of grief

How to use Linden Honey

  • Add it to your tea to sweeten it

  • Add a tsp of linden honey and a pinch of sea salt into your water to keep you hydrated

  • Apply it to your skin! Linden is incredible for skin inflammation- particularly for burns, boils, and dry skin. Linden is both a demulcent and an astringent herb- making it perfect for excessive dryness. The demulcent qualities add moisture while the astringent qualities will tighten and tone tissues to help contain the moisture inside the body.

This medicinal, herb infused honey is so special to my heart. I created this medicine in honor of my great-grandmother who was named Tillie, after the Linden tree also known as Tilia. May this honey make you feel held and close to your ancestors. May Tilia’s memory be a blessing.

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